Tag: Viktor Frankl
The World is not Well, but it can be Healed
[PASSIONSWEGE] “Stations of the Passion” Radio Talk Veronika Bonelli’s Interview with Alexander Batthyány February 21, 2024 Translated and summarized by Maria Marshall Key points: VB: “The Wo…
The Meaning of Logotherapy in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
The Meaning of logotherapy in psychiatry and psychotherapy. Presentation by Dr. Cvijeta Pahljina (1943 – 2022), Psychiatrist, at The Future of Logotherapy Congress, Vienna, 2016. Translated b…
Logotherapy and Existential Analysis for Burnout and Moral Injury
Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (LTEA) can be helpful to prevent burnout as well as to manage the effects of moral injury. Burnout and moral injury are two different entities. …
Logotherapy and Existential Analysis for Moral Injury validated by Science
Logotherapy and Existential Analysis for the Management of Moral Injury. Edward Marshall, Maria Marshall, Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy, 2021.
Trust, Basic Trust, Self-confidence, and trust in God
Interview with Elisabeth Lukas, PhD, by Stefan Baier (Grandios-redaktion, Regensburg, February, 2022). Translated by Maria Marshall, PhD
A Snapshot of Meaningful Moments with Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Lukas
If I was to arrange my memories with Dr. Elisabeth Lukas in a photo album, the album would span several decades. My first memory reaches back to 1982. There is a beautiful Christmas tree in my grandparents’ home. It is set on a table with glorious decorations and best of all, marzipan candies covered in…
From Fear to Trust: Approaching the Neuro-psychological and the Spiritual in the Context of a Three-Dimensional View of the Person
From fear to Trust: Approaching the Neuro-psychological and the Spiritual in the Context of a Three-Dimensional View of the Person
Choosing the Path of Meaning: Breaking the Chains of Violence and the Aggression of War
The current war in Ukraine rests on a fundamental error and faulty attitudes that lead to a vicious cycle of destruction and self-harm. While the implications of this harm to the self, in addition to others, may not immediately perceptible, its consequences are far reaching and deeper than physical wounds.
Mystery, Symbols, Metaphors, and Meaning: Logotherapy During the Holidays
In the Christian tradition, Advent, the four weeks before Christmas is a time of waiting and preparation. We prepare our hearts and minds for welcoming the Christ Child. Jesus is the “Light of the World.”