The Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy offers a professional development course in Viktor E. Frankl’s Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (LTEA). This course is suitable for professionals who are interested in learning about the principles and methods of LTEA and applying them in their practice.
Prerequisites include a postgraduate degree, professional registration, or equivalent.
The course consists of ten modules, which follow the official curriculum endorsed by the Viktor Frankl Institute, Vienna, and outlined by the Elisabeth Lukas Archives.
The following is the required textbook for the course:

Additionally, books by Viktor E. Frankl, Elisabeth S. Lukas, and Joseph B. Fabry are recomended.
A written essay of 500 words per module is required to be submitted about the topics covered. For the last module, students complete a final essay of 3,000 words.
One of the unique features of this course is that a 30-minute live online individual tutoring session per each module is provided through videoconferencing by Professor Edward Marshall or Professor Maria Marshall.
The course is self-paced, however, for a consistent rhythm of study, it is recommended to complete one module per month. The course must be completed within two years from the time of registration.
Students are required to demonstrate their understanding of the material covered through the submission of essays and through active participation in the one-on-one tutoring sessions with the instructor.
Upon successful completion of the course, a Professional Develeopment Diploma in Logotherapy and Existential Analysis is issued by the Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy. This diploma meets the training criteria for accreditation with the International Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis at the Viktor Frankl Institute, Vienna.
The Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association grants 120 hours of Continuing Education Credits upon completion of the Professional Development Diploma in Logotherapy and Existential Analysis offered by the Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.
A Syllabus (Study Plan) with instructions is sent to students after registering for the course.
The course can be started after receiving the Syllabus and obtaining the required textbook.
The fee for the course is $ 600.00 (Canadian Dollars). The textbook is purchased separately.
To request the Registration Form, information about methods of payment accepted, and for any further information, please contact us.