
Marshall, M. & Marshall, E. (2024). Horizons of Hope: Upholding Agency in Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.

Marshall, M. & Marshall, E Eds. (2022). Basic Trust: The Wellspring of Meaningful Living. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.

Marshall, E. & Marshall, M. (2021). Logotherapy and Existential Analysis for the Management of Moral Injury. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.

Marshall, E. & Marshall, M (2020). Wellbeing through Meaning: Burnout Prevention for the Helping Professional. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.

Marshall, E. & Marshall, M. (2017). Anthropological Basis of Meaning Centered Psychotherapy. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.

Marshall, M. & Marshall, E. (2017). Seasons of Growth: Finding Meaning through Artistic Expression. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.

Marshall, M. & Marshall, E. (2015). Spiritual Psychotherapy: The Search for Lasting Meaning. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.

Marshall, M. & Marshall, E. (2012). Logotherapy Revisited: Review of the Tenets of Viktor E. Frankl’s Logotherapy. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.

Marshall, E. & Marshall, M. (2017). Bases antropológicas: de la psicoterapia centrada en el sentido. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.

Marshall, E & Marshall M. (2023). Wholesome: The Power of the Human Spirit. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.

Marshall, M. & Marshall, E. (2022). Viktor E. Frankl’s Logotherapy and Existential Analysis: Theory and Practice. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.

Marshall, M. & Marshall, E. (2021). Care and Consolation: The Doctor Who Saved Lives. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.

Marshall, M. & Marshall, E. (2019). Prisms of Meaning: Unconditional Meaning in Unavoidable Suffering. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.

Marshall, M. & Marshall, E. Eds. (2017). Hearth to Heart: Sparks and Flavours of Meaningful Living. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.

Marshall, M. & Marshall, E. (2016). Attentive: A Competency to Discern Meaning. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.

Marshall, M. & Marshall, E. (2014). Perpetuum Mobile: A Personal Global Concern. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.

Marshall, M. & Marshall, E. (2013). Healing ministry: Experiences with Viktor E. Frankl’s logotherapy in psychiatry, psychology, clinical counselling, and psychotherapy. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy.

Articles and Contributions

Marshall, E. & Marshall, M. (2024). Management of Moral Injury in Health Care Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Contribution of Viktor E. Frankl’s Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. In: McLafferty, C. and Levinson, J. I. (Eds), Alexander Batthyány (Series Editor). Logotherapy and Existential Analysis: Proceedings of the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna, Volume 2. Switzerland: Springer.

Marshall, E. & Marshall, M. (2021). Creative Gems: Meaning-centered Virtual Interventions for Children during the Pandemic. In: Armstrong, L.L. Ed. How to Have Fun While Promoting Mental Health Virtually: Games & Activities for Online Psychotherapy and Classrooms (pp. 123-134). Ottawa, ON: St Paul University.

Marshall, M. & Marshall, E. (2018). The Role of the Human Spirit in Meaning-centered Family Therapy. In: Armstrong, L.L. Ed. Existential Elements of the Family: Finding Meaning through Life’s Stages (pp. 7-32). Belgium: Peeters Publishers.

Marshall, E. (2018). An Initial Survey of The Experience of Freedom of Will in Relationships. The International Forum for Logotherapy, 41 (1), 6-12.

Marshall, E. (2017). Freedom of Will in Relationships. The International Forum for Logotherapy, 40 (2), 87-96.

Marshall, M (2017). Awe-some Meditations in the Search for Meaning. The international Forum for Logotherapy, 40 (2), 72-78.

Marshall, M & Marshall, E. (2017). Experiences with a Mountain Range Recipe Exercise. The International Forum for Logotherapy, 40 (1), 7-15.

Asagba, R. & Marshall, M. (2016). The Use of Logotherapeutic Techniques in the Identification and Intervention Stages of Treatment with Persons with Substance Use Disorder. African Research Review, 10 (3), 42, 39 – 54.

Marshall, E. (2014). Freedom of Will and Personality: A Logotherapeutic Approach for the Treatment of Personality Disorders. The International Forum for Logotherapy. 37 (2), 71-75.

Marshall, E. & Marshall, M. (2013). Seeds of Reconciliation in Logotherapy: An Overview of a Phenomenological-Hermeneutic Investigation. The International Forum for Logotherapy, 36(1), 1-6.

Maria Ungar (Marshall) (2004, out of print). A Life with Meaning: Guide to the Fundamental Principles of Viktor E. Frankl’s Logotherapy. Victoria, BC. Trafford.