Welcome to the Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy!

Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, also known as the Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy, was founded by Viktor E. Frankl, MD, PhD (1905-1997), an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, and psychotherapist. Frankl was a survivor of the Holocaust and the author of Man’s Search for Meaning, along with several other volumes. The main thesis of logotherapy is that the fundamental motivating force of human existence is the search for meaning. Through a holistic conceptualization of the person as an entity of body, mind, and spirit, Frankl’s Logotherapy advocates for human freedom and responsibility. It recognizes the will to meaning as an impulse to living to the fullest. Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (LTEA) is an empirically validated and evidence-based approach to psychotherapy. Its tenets, principles, and methods can be used in several areas of life to face challenges with courage and dignity.

The Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy is an accredited member of the International Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, Vienna, for advancing the work of Viktor E. Frankl. In collaboration with the Vienna Institute, it offers a wealth of services based on the original work and principles of Viktor E. Frankl’s Logotherapy and Existential Analysis.

Professional Development

The Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy offers a

Diploma in Logotherapy and Existential Analysis

via distance learning (online), available to students worldwide seeking professional development.

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This course includes ten 30-minute live, virtual, and individual tutoring classes. It is offered by Professor Edward Marshall, a world-recognized expert in the field of LTEA.

The textbook for this course is:

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