About the Institute

Our Mission

The Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy’s mission is to advance the work of Viktor E. Frankl in collaboration with the Viktor Frankl Institute, Vienna. Its goal is to disseminate Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (LTEA) through research, teaching, and practice, to help individuals and communities improve their well-being through finding meaning. We accomplish our mission through offering psychotherapy services and professional development training.

Our History

The Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy was established in 2012 by Professor Maria Marshall, PhD, RP, and Professor Edward Marshall, PhD, RP. Since then, the Institute has provided psychotherapy services, offered professional development courses, and published research on topics related to Viktor E. Frankl’s Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (LTEA).

The founders were awarded lifetime membership and were presented with the Joseph B. Fabry Founders’ Award in 2013, and the Statue of Responsibility Award in 2001 by the Viktor Frankl Institute, USA.

Professor Edward Marshall amd Professor Maria Marshall provide online individual tutoring sessions to porfessionals arround the world.


The Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy is accredited member of the International Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, at the Viktor Frankl Institute, Vienna, Austria.